How Not to Invest in Your Health

5 Year ago today, if you told me investing in good medical insurance was wrong, I would have called you stupid!

Why? Because that’s what we’re told to believe by governments, businesses, people around us, friends and family.

For life to be better, we need pills refilled and insurance paid, most of which are too expensive for an ordinary citizen...

But what’s even worse is that medicines can only get hold of your symptoms temporarily. If they really could fix the problem you wouldn’t need to refill them.

It's without a doubt that these medical services bring a sense of safety that makes us believe our lives depend entirely on them.

Why are we so afraid that we invest in a future we're not sure of, while ignoring and neglecting the present moment we're in?

Some disasters in life such as a tornado or an earthquake can't always be prepared for, but 90% of diseases in human history have significantly been linked to poor diet and lifestyle.

It only takes a change of mind or a shift in perspective about diet and lifestyle to bring a change.

For instance, a whole plant-based diet is the only diet that has stood the test of time for reversing heart disease, among other health issues.

But, we've wholly surrendered our power to leading a healthy life to drugs, instead of it being a personal responsibility and a lifestyle.

We all need to be our number one doctor in terms of how we eat and live our life everyday.

Let me change your perspective today!

You don’t need the best insurances in the world, nor do you need to be treated in the most expensive hospitals or be attended to by the most renowned doctor to feel alive and well.

Spend that money on cheap plant based foods that come from the earth not from a factory as this is the only true diet and lifestyle to strengthen and sustain you.

You need to be aware that anything you allow into your mouth can either feed disease or promote health.

The amount of money spent on treating diseases is enormous, and if the same amount were to be spent on diet and other healthy lifestyle changes, we'd have a real health revolution.

That money can be utilized to live a healthy life, which is what we all need.

So yes, drugs and medical treatments are quite expensive and it might never save your life, but adopting healthy habits and diets will.

Additionally, it will save you a lot of money.

A healthy lifestyle is not a gimmick, but it's the truth that we should all live by. There are millions that are already on the Plant Based Switch diet. Why not you? For your life and your family.

Giving it a chance is your everyday means of saving money and your life, as well as the many trips to the doctor’s office.

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